English Dynaforce

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Aviation life belt ASP-6А

Aviation life belt ASP-6А

Aviation life belt ASP-6А is an individual sur­vival means of the flying personnel and is intended to keep the air crew member afloat after water landing. Features:

The belt design provides its compatibility with fastened seat systems and parachute suspension system, with flight gear and protective equipment for air crew personnel. The belt doesn't impede the pilot's performance of duty and doesn't have an influence on parachute jump safety. ASP-6А also doesn't impede the pilot to climb on life boats and rafts.

The belt has two non-communicating buoyancy bladders filled by carbon dioxide bottle. Gas infla­tion system snaps into action automatically after landing on water. Bladders can be fed through the special valves by the mouth

The main features:

Positive buoyancy after inflation of the floats 235 N (24 kgs).

Capable of operating through a temperature range - 30°C to +50°C.

Provides lifting the pilot (full weight with equip­ment up to 1177N or 120 kgs) from the water.

Time of gas inflation system activation - not more than 30 sec (air and water temperature 25°C).

Color: The bladders are signal (orange)-colored in unfolded form.

Materials: polyurethane-coated capron fabric, in­flammable fabric, capron ribbons, metal and plastic details, metal accessories.

Weight: 1.35 kg.

Life service: 5 years.

Marine life outfit MSK-6

Marine life outfit MSK-6

Marine life outfit MSK-6 is an individual flying gear for pilots during flights over sea and land and also afloat after bailout.


MSK-6 set consists of: protective overalls ZK-6 connected with water­proof overalls VZK-6; warm venting overall suit TVK-6; warm stockings TZCH-6 ; hermetic gloves GP-6; boots MSK;

aviation lifebelt ASP-6А; knitted gloves; aviation knife.


MSK-6 provides necessary conditions for pilot vital activity and efficiency during flight under the temperature range from -30 °C to +50 °C.  Protection from overcooling within 12 hours -afloat in water (water temperature above zero and air temperature above -15 °C). Steady position afloat (face up) with head held high.

The outfit supplied with automatic relief valves KSA, providing outfit impermeability at the time of falling into water.

MSK-6 is pressurized by water-proof fastener.

Sizes: The suits are available in eight sizes (heights) for pilots whose height is from 156 cm to 185 cm and waist size -from 85 to 117 cm.

Materials: flame-retardant signal (bright orange)-colored fabric.

Weight: not more than 12 kg.

Life service: 4 years.

Venting suit VK-6

Venting suit VK-6

Venting suit VK-6 is an individual flight gear which serves to protect the pilot body from exposure to the ambient temperatures and at the same time as flight clothing.


VK-6 is highly comfortable in wearing both in flight and on the ground alert, because it has all the necessary pockets, sanitary hatch, adjustable ventilating system, cuffe and leg lower part adjust­ment by Velcro fastener.

Ventilating system is in front and supplying the air to the suit and provides its redistribution within ca­nals of upper and lower system bladders. The air outlet is carried out through the openings at the end of the canals. Features: Protects the pilot body from overheating in flight and on the ground alert at ambient temperatures up to +50 °C

Protects the pilot body from excessive cooling in flight and on the ground alert at ambient tempera­tures not lower than -50 °C Sizes: The suits are available in twelve heights (tour sizes) for pilots whose height is from 156 cm to 185 cm and waist size is from 85 to 117 cm. Materials: flame-retardant fabric.

Weight: not more than 3 kg.

Life service: 5 years.

Anti-g suits PPK-6

Anti-g suits PPK-6

Anti-g suits PPK-6 (PPK-6К) is an individual flying gear for fighting aircraft pilots, providing their life support and improving performance during flight.

It extends the range of loads in "head- pelvis" di­rection and reduces their negative influence on human organism. PPK-6 is used with oxygen de­vice set ККО-15LP cep.2 and PPK-6К is used with oxygen device set KKO-5. PPK-6 together with compensative vest GK-6 operates as high altitude balancing suit.


The suit consists of wide-belted trousers and in­flatable welded bladder. The PPK-6 design differs from PPK-6К design only in the hose length and the presence of connecting pipe.


PPK-6 (PPK-6К) operates as a gear that in­creases the range of G-loads in "head- pelvis" direction not less than by 2-3 Gs. PPK-6(PPK-6К) is capable of operating through a temperature range - 30 °C to +50 °C. Maximum working pressure in anti-accelerating forces bladders is 0,9 kgs/sq.cm.

Sizes: The suits are available in 16 heights (4 siz­es) for pilots whose height is from 155 cm to 191 cm and waist size -from 66 to 102 cm. Materials: flame-retardant fabric.

Weight: not more than 2,1 kg.

Life service: 5 years.

Balancing vest GK-6

Balancing vest GK-6

Balancing vest GK-6 provides necessary conditions for pi­lot's vital activity and efficiency during high-level flight.

PPK-6 together with compensative vest GK-6 operates as high altitude balancing suit.



GK-6 consists of stretch-proof shell , in its case there's a compensative tensioner bladder.

GK-6 bladder is connected to PPK-6 bladder by the switch located on the vest.



GK-6 together with PPK-6 protects the pilot from reduced atmospheric pressure in pressurized cockpit and in depressurized cockpit at a height of up to 12 km in a short time (up to 3 min, including 1 min at a maximum height).

Maximum working pressure in the bladder is 0,5 kgs/sq.cm.


Sizes: The suits are available in 8 heights for pilots whose height is from 155 cm to 191 cm and waist size -.from 66 to 102.cm.

Materials: flame-retardant fabric, polyurethane-coated fabric.

Weight: 2 kg.

Life service: 5 years.