Marine life outfit MSK-5
MSK-5 is an individual flying gear for pilots during flights over sea and land and also afloat after bailout.
MSK-5 in conjunction with aboard oxygen system set, conditioning system and rescue facilities provides the pilot efficiency: In pressurized cockpit ( at a cruising attitude of less than 14 km ) through a temperature range from +5 °C to +20 °C (using ventilating system) - not less than 12 hours.
In depressurized cockpit ( at a cruising altitude of less than 12 km ) through a temperature range from -40 °C to +50 °C (using ventilating system) - not less than 2 hours.
Afloat (water temperature above zero and air temperature above -15 °C, sea force up to 5 units)- not less than 12 hours. The outfit supplied with automatic relief valves KSA, providing outfit impermeability at the time of falling into water.
Marine life outfit MSK-5 consists of:
frying overall suit ZK-5 connected with water-proof overall suit VZK-5;
warm venting suit TVK-3;
warm stockings ТZCH-2;
VMSK boots;
pressurized gloves GP-2М-1;
aviation life belt АSP-74VS;
Flying overall suit 3K-5 is upper cover protecting VZK-5 from damage;
Waterproof overall suit VZK-5 protects inside of the clothes from moisture when afloat;
Warm venting suit TVK-3 protects from overheating/ overcooling by means of inside venting when afloat;
Weight: not more than 10.53 kg.
Affective life: 8 years.