Zotov V. A., was born on 29.05.1958, in 1984 graduated from Moscow institute of consumer goods industry, the speciality “Sewn products technology”. Began to work in 1975 as a apprentice to a tailor. Since 1976-1978 – served in the army. Since 1982, putting together education and work on MISSI “Pennon” (nowadays JSC “Corporation “Pennon”), improves his professional skills, travelling the way from a tailor, a technologist, an engineer to the chief technologist in 1986. Since 1988 appointed as a deputy Head of the Special design bureau (SDB). After a decade break returned to JSC “Corporation “Pennon” (the Head of SDV), since 2003 – the chief designer – the Head of SDB.
Since 2009 employed by CJSC “SDPC “Dynaforce” as a Deputy Director General - a chief designer, since 2011 appointed as a Deputy Director General of advanced development.
From 2010 till 2014 taught in MAI concurrently.
Zotov V. A. is a candidate of technical sciences, the author of the certain range of inventions, has the Government rewards – the Y. A. Gagarin diploma, the Y. A. Gagarin medal.