CJSC NPO Dinafors, as a business partner, took part in the preparation of the third stage of the international project of the SSC RF of the IMBP RAS SIRIUS
The third stage of the SIRIUS (Scientific International Research In Unique terrestrial Station) project has started at the State Scientific Center Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As part of the 240-day SIRIUS-21 isolation model study, 70 experiments related to the preparation for further human space exploration will be conducted.
During the preparation of the SIRIUS international experiment, overalls were made for crew members.
The uniqueness of these jumpsuits lies in their exclusive design, developed by our leading designer Memruk Valery Vasilyevich. The proposed design takes into account the features of the composition of the mixed crew. The design contains the symbols of the experiment - SIRIUS, the symbols of the main scientific performers and sponsors, the flags of the participating countries. The experiment started on November 4, 2021.
The entire team of CJSC NPO Dinafors sincerely wishes success in its implementation to the crew members and organizers.
You can read more about this event on the official website of the experiment: sirius.imbp.info/
CJSC NPO Dinafors has previously participated in experiments of the SSC RF IMBP RAS, such as MARS-500 and Moon-2015
Photo provided by the SSC RF IMBP RAS.